
Through our Discipleship Training School (DTS), School of Frontier Missions, TESOL and the Music Ministry Development Seminar, we offer the training you need to equip you for wherever God may be leading. What are you waiting for? Follow your destiny!


September - March

Come join students from around the world for three months where weekly speakers will mentor you in knowing God personally, hearing his voice, loving His Word, spiritual warfare, sharing your faith, relationships, and world evangelism.


Teaching English is the doorway to missions into many nations—a tool that can be used to make friends with people of other cultures, introduce them to Jesus and the truths of the Bible, and give them a skill that will help them in life.

July - August

Feel called to long-term missions? Our School of Frontier Missions will give you tools to reach cultures around the globe. Be equipped to bring the gospel to unreached people.